Gianfranco Dal Bianco

Gianfranco Dal Bianco
É de São Paulo (São Paulo)Cadastrado desde 14-03-2021

24 vezes contratado em Cronoshare
é gratuito e sem compromisso
Assim é Gianfranco Dal Bianco
About the photographer:
He has been an advertising photographer since 1969. Working either for agencies or directly to clients, covering successfully different themes, shortly described as: automotive, people, food, places and things. Performing in são paulo, brazil. London, u. K.. Milan and torino, italy. Detroit, los angeles, u. S. A. Mexico city and through out the world, residing presently in london uk.
About his work:
Strongly believe that photography is not merely a one man’s job, but a team work. He’s always in pursuit of producing images to fulfill specific needs. Gianfranco has developed an working method, where the main objective is to produce the best image.
His main target is: creativity, design, composition and lighting. He’s always open to new perspectives through out research. (nobody owns the last word)
I invite you to challenge gianfranco.
Qual¬ity with an ital¬ian accent
The son of a photographer, gianfranco dal bianco moved early to brazil where he came to set his own studio and work for some of the most prestigious magazines and advertising agencies, shooting fashion, table top, still life, interior design and food, to finally specialise in cars – from studio to set location to formula 1.
Global before globalization
In 1980 gianfranco left brasil to work in europe – he started in london, then went to the fiat studios in turin, shooting lancias, ferraris, maseratis and alfa romeos, besides fiats. Gianfranco was then invited to join boulevard photographic, the legendary car studio from detroit. After a few years there and in los angeles he moved to mexico where he lived for a decade and established a large studio both for him and for rental. Gianfranco has returned to europe, barcelona, spain and then london, uk for the past nine years. Now he is back in sao paulo, brazil, joying his country at heart with family and friends.
An eclectic portfolio
Gianfranco has worked for most of the major brands in the automotive industry : ferrari, maserati, fiat, alfa romeo, vauxhall and piaggio in europe ; ford, chrysler, gm, peugeot and mitsubishi in america ; nissan, renault, vw, general motors, ford, honda, jaguar, mazda, toyota, mercedes and chrysler in mexico. Today his portfolio is quite eclectic and besides cars -Which include web images production such as 360º visualization and quick time virtual reality- There’s a lot of people, food, things and places.
A personal touch
“a great deal of energy and sensitivity accompany me from the creation of sets and definition of styling to every production detail. Art directors are looking for professionals capable of extracting the maximum from their techniques and creativity while keeping focus on a competitive price,” he says.
Área de trabalho de Gianfranco Dal Bianco
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Serviços profissionais e Freelancers: Fotógrafo de Interiores e Imóveis
Eventos: Fotógrafos
Gianfranco Dal Bianco ainda não informou seus empregos.
Gianfranco Dal Bianco ainda não informou seus estudos.
Gianfranco Dal Bianco ainda não informou seus idiomas.
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