Advogado de imigração para obtenção de visto ou autorização (Vila Santa Cruz - Duque de Caxias)

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Publicado há 408 dias


Custo: 154 cronos

Cronos: crédito cronoshare

Tipo: Advocacia, Consultoria e Assessoria - Advogados de Imigração

Solicitado por Lia em 25260-240 Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro)
ID tarefa: 2130206 | Quer ter acesso aos trabalhos de Advogado de imigração?


Ladies and gentlemen, Referring to your website and the many positive information and reviews it contains, i plucked up the courage to contact you today. My name is lia, 59 years old and i lived in germany until may 2023. About 6 years ago i met a woman on the internet who i called a friend after 4 years of getting to know her. This friend persuaded me to emigrate to brazil with the request for help (massive health problems) for her and her family. Long story short, after some research and her promise to help me with things like residence permits, cpf and so on, i packed my bags and flew to rio de janeiro. As soon as i arrived, she told me that both her mother and her sister were in hospital and that she had to be there for both of them. She asked me to be patient and promised to take care of everything as soon as everyone was better. This situation has been going on for 8 months now. On 12.01.2024, i went to the federal police to finally get a tax number and the application for an id card. There i was asked to sign a form in which i agreed to pay a 3000 real fine and to leave the country within 2 months. I was neither given any legal advice nor was the facts of the case explained to me. After researching in germany, i knew that i was allowed to stay in brazil as a pensioner, but this was not taken into consideration by the federal police. Now my question. Is there a possibility to stay in brazil or really only, as the federal police said, through marriage or a child? Could your office please help me? I am at your disposal for any further questions. Yours sincerely Lia

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Preferência para o serviço: Relação qualidade/preço

Lugar: Vila Santa Cruz - Duque de Caxias (Rio de Janeiro) CEP 25260-240

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(21) xxxxx-xxxx

Publicado há 408 dias


Custo: 154 cronos

Cronos: crédito cronoshare
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